Learn About The Feeding Tube French Size Scale:
Whether or not you're on a blended diet for your tube feeding, it's good to know and understand feeding tube sizes. If you are using blenderized tube feeding or are thinking about using blenderized tube feeding, it may interest you to know that a 14 French tube size is generally considered the minimum size to be sure that blended food will flow easily through the tube. In the video below, the French scale for feeding tube sizing is explained and considerations for blenderized tube feeding are shared:
It took us months to decide what size to choose. ashley spiritual meaning
I still don't know how to determine what size feeding tube I have. It would've been helpful if she'd shown the most common tubes (rather than the odd ones) and told us the French size of each.
Does the FR rating size also include the actual portal entrance in to the balloon button and not just the tube?
When using the feeding tube for feeding how do you close it off while putting your feeding suringe into it with out leaking every were